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Watching the World Cup in war-torn Syria

This year, it seems Syrians will not be able to watch World Cup matches from their homes. Some may even say that tensions between Damascus and Doha have spilled over to sports, with Qatar’s beIN SPORTS holding the exclusive rights to broadcast the games in the region

Syrians find Turkey an uneasy home

Syrians regularly experience unfair treatment at the workplace. Besides receiving lower wages, Syrians are expected to work longer hours

Syrians, Pick Your Passports

Surrounded by war or forced into exile, Syrians are turning to forgers to secure essential identification documents

The Syrian Opposition’s Bleak Outlook

The Syrian National Coalition is living on borrowed time. Unless it can develop credible political leadership and effective administration inside Syria, the outlook for those trying to make it succeed looks bleak

Syria’s Thousand Miles of Red Tape

Even Syrians who have escaped their war-torn country into Turkey continue to have their lives dominated by the Syrian regime’s far-reaching bureaucracy

The Refugee Children Forced to Work

Despite the difficulty of his job and the heavy responsibility he carries, Mahmoud feels proud to help his family