

The Syrian Opposition, revisited

The Syrian Opposition is due for a meeting in Istanbul to elect a new leadership. What is really at stake in the elections?

Opinion: Will Cannibals govern Syria?

Two groups threaten the future of Syria: some of the rebels inside Syria, and the political opposition outside the country

Coalition Will Not Take Part in Geneva 2

The opposition National Coalition will not participate in Geneva 2 conference, while the moderate opposition group, the National Coordination Committee, says it would participate and that its delegation has been finalized

Statement by the Revolutionary Movement in Syria

Four rebel groups deny the legitimacy of any political body that subverts the revolution or fails to take into account the sacrifices of the Syrian people or fails to properly represent them

Coalition a ‘Tragedy and Shame’: Ghalioun

Burhan Ghalioun says his role in the meetings of the biggest opposition group is to separate among these clashing groups or watch them as they throws spears at each other

150 French Fighting Alongside Jihadists in Syria

France says 150 French fighting alongside jihadists in Syria, and the government is angry with a leaked video that shows her Ambassador reprimanding opposition figures in Istanbul