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Deir Ezzor: The Syrian Conflict’s Forgotten City

Cholera causes extreme vomiting and diarrhea, and kills through dehydration and kidney failure. Sufferers lose two liters of water from their bodies in a single day, and need ten bags of saline to replace it.

Kerry Adopts the “Russian Solution”

There is a complete lack of trust between the two sides, the opposition and the regime, and building such trust will require a great deal of time and effort.

Statement by the National Coalition: General Assembly meeting closing statement

The monthly meeting of the national coalition for the revolutionary forces and the Syrian opposition was held in Istanbul and was attended by more than 60 members. General Salim Idris, Chief of General Staff of free Syrian army, gave detailed presentation of the situation across Syria and answered questions regarding developments on the ground in many areas.

Canadian Global Research: Washington’s Death Squads Caught in the Act

Secretary Clinton announced recently that Washington is re-organizing the front of the armed terrorist gangs in Syria, which means according to the Global Research that it will withdrew its support to the Istanbul Council (the Syrian National council), in signals to the American readiness to interfere after the American elections.