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30 people killed in a suicide attack in city in Central Syria

At least 30 people have been killed in a suicide attack that targeted a building that houses pro-Assad fighters in a city in midland Syria, a Syrian observatory said Monday.
30 people killed in a suicide attack in city in Central Syria


At least 30 people have been killed in a suicide attack that targeted a building that houses pro-Assad fighters in a city in midland Syria, a Syrian observatory said Monday.


The Syrian Observatory for Human rights said the attack targeted members of the pro-Assad ‘Popular Committees’ in the city of Salamiyah, in the Province of Hama, in central Syria.


State news agency SANA also reported the blast, saying that "a terrorist suicide car bomb was detonated in the heart of Salamiyah, leaving a number of people killed and others wounded".


The town, located in the central Hama province, is heavily populated by the Ismaili Shia and Alawites, and has so far been relatively spared from the violence that has gripped the country since the uprising began in March, 2011.


The Al-Jazeera TV noted that the  blasts came as Syria's Defense Minister said that the army would keep chasing rebels all over the country "until it achieves victory and thwarts the conspiracy that Syria is being subjected to".








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