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Three Suicide Attempts in 24 Hours

The reasons behind these incidents are largely attributed to the deteriorating living conditions faced by the majority of the population, according to al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Syria Is Witnessing 100 Suicide Attempts a Week

The psychological pressures and strains created by the war in Syria are pushing some to try to take their own lives writes Sowt Al-Asima.

Lebanon ‘Driving out Syrian Refugees by Making Their Lives Unbearable’

Syrian activists and humanitarian workers have warned of increasingly dire conditions for approximately one million Syrian refugees in Lebanon at an Amnesty-sponsored conference of activists and humanitarian workers reports Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Angry Messages Directed at Assad

Regime loyalists have taken to social media to express their anger with the handling of the crisis in Syria by the leadership reports Alsouria Net.

ISIS Kills Five in Raqqa

The Islamic State have taken responsibility for the gun and bomb attack, which four civilians reports The Syrian Monitor for Human Rights.

Syrians Seek to Psychological Treatment

Years of conflict have left many Syrians mentally scarred and seeking psychiatric services to help them cope writes Al-Watan.

Syrians Struggle in ‘Camp of Death’

The Rukban camp is home to 50,000 displaced people, who are in desperate need of help, and their situation is getting worse reports Asharq al-Awsat.

Child Brides in Wartime

Child marriages are becoming more common in Syria and effects that they can have on the children involved can be devastating reports Sada al-Sham.

Assad’s Prisons Are Flooded With the Dead

Since the start of the war, thousands of Syrians have been murdered in regime prisons writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed