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Syrian Media Network Criticizes International Laxity in Protecting Journalists in Syria

The Syrian Media Network said international media organizations have not established a framework to protect journalists in Syria, according to Baladi News.
Syrian Media Network Criticizes International Laxity in Protecting Journalists in Syria

The Syrian Media Network has expressed concerns that international media organizations have not established a framework to protect journalists in Syria. The network stated that journalists working in conflict areas worldwide, particularly in Syria, continue to live in fear of expressing themselves freely.

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Over the last decade, 770 journalists have died in Syria from 2011 to 2022, with 91% of them killed by the Assad regime and Russia. The network argues that journalism has become increasingly sensitive and dangerous, with no clear law in place to protect it.

The network’s statement also highlighted that journalists in Syria are losing their right to obtain information and access documents that the authorities consider sensitive, resulting in a weakness in the role of independent journalism in society. The authorities are reportedly supporting their official media, which is marred by misinformation and hate speech.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights documented the killing of 715 journalists and media workers since March 2011, with 52 of them tortured by parties to the conflict and controlling powers. Syria ranks 175th out of 180 countries in the Press Freedom Index issued by Reporters Without Borders, followed by China, Vietnam, Iran, and North Korea. The network calls for the activation of a real accountability mechanism to protect journalists and their freedoms.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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