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Syrian actors

Statement on the Syrian-Lebanese Tension

he Syrian Coalition calls on the Lebanese government to exert control over its borders and put an immediate stop to Hezballah’s military operations on Syrian territory.

Syria’s Secular Revolution Lives On

Islamist radicals may be gaining strength, but the spirit that sparked this uprising survives in the unlikeliest of places.

News provider dies under torture while held by Air Force intelligence

Reporters Without Borders is deeply saddened to have just learned that Ayham Mostafa Ghazzoul, a contributor to the Damascus-based Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), died under torture four days after being arrested on 5 November 2012.

Moaz al-Khatib: I want to stop bloodshed

Moaz al-Khatib, the head of the Syrian National Coalition, told NOW on Thursday that “the situation [in Syria] is stalling and I want to avoid bloodshed.”

Statement from the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces to Syrian people

The regime continues to seek opportunities to delegitimize the revolution and create a rift among Syrians. The regime will try to distract from its murderous onslaught by attempting to demonize the Syrian Revolution and creating divisions amongst the diverse religious and ethnic groups. However, Syrians have insisted on national unity, thwarting the regimes efforts and rejecting any rift or divisions.

New Police for “Liberated” Areas

Opposition activists, both civilian and paramilitary, adopt noms de guerre, especially when talking over the radio. Government and opposition combatants can hear each other’s radio traffic, and often spend their evenings trading accusations, insults, even jokes and political songs with the other side.

Assad’s forces swept through village, torching and killing: activists

Forces loyal to the president, Bashar Al Assad, swept through a small farming village in central Syria this week, torching houses and shooting and stabbing residents in an attack that killed up to 106 people, including women and children, activists said yesterday.

Kurds hold their second conference on Thursday

The Kurdish National Council (KNC) will hold its second conference on January 10 to discuss the Kurdish position vis-à-vis Islamist groups and other Kurdish groups.

Internal opposition joins the external one in rejecting Assad’s plan

Hasan Abdul Azim, Coordinator –general of the National Coordination Commission (NCC) rejected in a press conference he held in Damascus any “direct dialogue or negotiations with the regime,” stressing that negotiations can only happen through the UN Envoy, Lakhdar Brahimi.