
Foreign actors

Opinion: The Reality of ‘Sexual Jihad’

Should we really worry about cleaning up the language of the news, with embarrassing terms like “sexual jihad,” or should we instead focus on the reality of an unprecedented phenomenon that sees dozens of teenage girls leaving their parents’ homes each year in order to join jihadist groups?

Why is an ‘Arab Axis’ Necessary?

There is now an absence of an effective Arab axis, capable of countering Iranian ambitions that exploit sectarian divides, along with the Israeli ambition to fragment and burn the region

Opinion: Taking the War on Terror to the Next Level

The Middle East has witnessed a flurry of diplomatic activity in recent months, including visits by various leaders from around the world to the region’s capitals

ISIS Crackdown in Syria’s Deir-ez-Zor

In Deir-ez-Zor the group has implemented a strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia law and courts known as “hisba” – which literally means “accountability”