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Syria’s Strategic Balance at a Tipping Point

The fall of the Syrian town of Qusair to Assad’s forces shows that the regime is poised to secure its position for the long term. The opposition must address its serious shortcomings

Feature: Trouble Downstream

While the fighting in Syria drags on, another danger looms ever larger

Bashar Will Pay the Price, Erdogan

Turkish PM says Syrian President Bashar Assad has surpassed his father in crimes and massacres, and he will have to pay the price sooner or later

Patriarch Yazigi Calls for Solution to Syrian Crisis

Yazigi was returning from Turkey, where he was involved in discussions for the release of the two abducted bishops of Aleppo, Yohanna Ibrahim and Paul Yazigi.

150 French Fighting Alongside Jihadists in Syria

France says 150 French fighting alongside jihadists in Syria, and the government is angry with a leaked video that shows her Ambassador reprimanding opposition figures in Istanbul

Opposition Coalition Releases ‘Fighter, not Killer’ Ads

The Syrian National Coalition, in coordination with Geneva Call, has released a series of Internet and television advertisements aiming to educate Syrians about the rules of warfare and human rights.

Syria: Catholics Join Islamist Fighters

Visitors crossing from Turkey to Ras al-Ayn, a sleepy border town in eastern Syria, are now welcomed by the unlikeliest of characters: a Catholic member of what is considered an extremist Islamist rebel group.

Syrian Press Editorials

The Syrian press call Turkish PM to resign and accuses the opposition of contacting Israel

Can Russia and the West End Syria’s Chaos?

For analysts familiar with the politics of Syria, the country’s descent into chaos amounts to an all-too-predictable pattern. It also parallels what Rami Makhlouf, a major regime figure and first cousin of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, bluntly announced that, among other things, Syrians faced the Assad regime or domestic and regional chaos.