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Press statement regarding the fighting in Ras al-Ain area

What is happening in the area of Ras al-Ain is a result of the security chaos created by the Syrian regime with its reliance on using violence to respond even to nonviolent protesters and opponents. This has led to the spread of arms and the escalation of armed conflict. This in turn is contributing to the spread of civil fights that is threatening many areas in the country among which Ras al-Ain.

Al-Assad duped us into sectarian war – Alawite cleric

An opposition Alawite religious cleric who recently fled to the Turkish town of Antakya revealed that “the Alawite community is living in a state of great fear, after we have become aware that the collapse of the al-Assad regime is imminent, which will place us at the mercy of fierce reprisals from the Sunni majority.”

Syrian VP: We are convinced that the clock arms shall not go back

“The various opposition forces – whether armed or civilian, or linked to foreign powers – cannot claim they are the sole legitimate representatives of the Syrian people,” he added, calling for confidence-building measures between the regime and the rebels.