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President al-Assad: Foreign Interference is Red Line, Unrest in Syria Will Have Domino Effect throughout the Region

President Bashar al-Assad said that foreign interference is a red line, adding that if the unrest in Syria leads to the partitioning of the country or if the terrorist forces take control of Syria, or both of the above, the situation will inevitably first spill over into neighboring countries and then create a domino effect throughout the Middle East and beyond.

Iran Supports Political Solution, Rejects Foreign Intervention in Syria

Advisor to the Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution , Ali Akbar Velayati, stressed on Monday that Syria’s people and government represent a steadfast citadel in face of Zionism, adding that the current events are aimed at weakening the resistance in the region.

Stances on the Syrian Crisis Redraw the Map of the Region

Headlines describing the 24th Arab Summit held in Doha this week reflect profound division over Syria and Qatar’s role in effecting change in the Arab Region. Doha has taken over the presidency of the Arab league for what could be one of the most important years of the transitional period.

Syrian Opposition Opens New Embassy in Doha

The Syrian opposition has opened its first embassy just one day after they took Syria’s seat at the Arab League, replacing the Bashar Al-Assad regime, and Damascus reacted angrily to the promotion of the Syrian rebels by the Arab League

Syria’s Christian Community Under Attack

The plight of Syria’s Christian community has returned to the fore once again this week after opposition forces claimed that the Assad regime has targeted churches in the Deir Ezzor region.

The Horrors of What Comes After the Image

It is no simple matter either for Moaz al-Khatib to sit at the summit, in front of the revolution’s flag rather than the flag of the Syrian Arab republic, which we have known for decades. Likewise, it is no simple matter that none of the leaders of the delegation left the hall this time.

Alkhatib Says NATO’s Patriot Refusal Grants Assad Impunity

NATO’s refusal to respond to Alkhatib’s plea for Patriot missile-cover for rebel held areas of northern Syria will encourage the Al-Assad regime to continue to act with impunity, the Syrian National Coalition leader said on Wednesday.

More Syrian Bloodshed

Al Bouti’s mosque was situated right next to the Russian embassy and the headquarters of a major Damascus intelligence apparatus, surrounded by barricades and troops of heavily armed soldiers. So how could a terrorist laden with explosive devices pass through such a security blockade?

Syrian PM Calls on All Syrians to Participate in National Dialogue

Chaired by Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halqi, the ministerial committee tasked with implementing the political program for resolving the crisis in Syria held a meeting with the board of directors of the Syrian League of the United Nations.

Preacher of Amity, Love and True Islam

The preacher (al-Bouti) was indeed the voice of reason, patriotism and justice; he defended to the last breathe and drop of his blood the noble causes of his homeland, religion, and convictions.

Syrian Opposition Leader Resigns

Moaz al-Khatib, leader of the Western-based Syrian opposition coalition has resigned, citing frustrations with the body’s inability to advance the fight against President Bashar Assad.

Who's who: Mapping of documentation groups in Syria

Several bodies of international law provide standards applicable to the Syrian crisis, including international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and international human rights law

Deir Ezzor: The Syrian Conflict’s Forgotten City

Cholera causes extreme vomiting and diarrhea, and kills through dehydration and kidney failure. Sufferers lose two liters of water from their bodies in a single day, and need ten bags of saline to replace it.