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Mainstreaming women’s voices in Syria’s transition

Mainstreaming women’s narratives also challenges impunity for sexual crimes, which importantly opens the space for male victims to come forward. Women can add perspectives on the conflict as witnesses and active participants. Moreover

Al-Jafaari: Syria Supports International Community Free from the Use of Force

Syria supports to global inclination to build an international community free from the use of force, threat , governed by UN Charter ‘s principles and purposes based on justice, equality and peace and Syria ‘s willingness to participate in any international effort to achieve that goal and commitment to come up with a final document to meet the aspirations of our governments and our peoples.

Deir Ezzor: The Syrian Conflict’s Forgotten City

Cholera causes extreme vomiting and diarrhea, and kills through dehydration and kidney failure. Sufferers lose two liters of water from their bodies in a single day, and need ten bags of saline to replace it.

Syria: 11 media activists, including a French journalist killed in February

The Syrian regime is still targeting media activists and journalists. Media Freedom Committee of the Syrian Journalists Association has documented killing of 11 journalists in February 2013 to increase victims to 138 professional and citizen journalists have been killed since the beginning of the Syrian revolution in 2011.

Kerry Adopts the “Russian Solution”

There is a complete lack of trust between the two sides, the opposition and the regime, and building such trust will require a great deal of time and effort.

The Government is Serious in Carrying out Political Program: PM

Al-Halqi reviewed the guarantees and procedures taken by the government to provide all requirements needed for the return of the displaced and the affected, as well as those who want to return to the homeland, Syria.

The Syrian Coalition’s Closing Statements of the General Assembly Meeting

The Syrian Coalition defined the framework of a political initiative that is inline with advancements on the ground, while at the same time ensures achieving the goals of the revolution, the preservation of human life, stability, infrastructure

Syrian Coalition establishes a framework for future political solutions

As the Syrian Coalition is keen on elevating the suffering of the Syrian people, the protection of Syria’s national unity, saving Syria from the crimes committed by Assad’s regime, and preventing foreign interference, the committee developed the following framework for any political solution:

Killis refugee camp elections report

As a part of the various civilian activities which are led by the center of civil society and democracy in Syria (CCCDS), a four-observer team went to the camp in 16-1-2012 to supervise the elections and the procedures of voting in the five electoral centers where the voters were able to choose their candidates for the positions of governors and their assistants.

Paving a new silk road

Increasing trade between Syria and Iran vastly favors Tehran

Alawites Not Responsible for Assad’s Survival

Today, the Syrians are fighting a security-dominated and suppressive regime that resembles all fascist dictatorships. However, it cannot be labeled sectarian, as Maliki says, because Sunni and Christian pockets are fighting alongside Assad because they share the same interests or fears.

24 journalists killed in Syria in January

Journalists were killed while covering fierce clashes between government forces and the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) last January.