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Syria’s Response Coordinators Warn of Regime Escalation North of Idleb

Syria's Response Coordinators alerted of a great danger after the recent regime escalation in northern Idleb, according to Baladi News.
Syria's Response Coordinators Warn of Regime Escalation North of Idleb
Syria’s Response Coordinators Warn of Regime Escalation North of Idleb

On Saturday, Syria’s Response Coordinators warned of the danger of the latest regime escalation in the northern Idleb city of Sarmada. The escalations led to more than 20 people being killed and injured, on Saturday.

The team said in a statement that it has recorded a new violation of the ceasefire agreement in northwestern Syria, where the Syrian regime forces targeted the area of Sarmada in the northern countryside of Idleb. They added that the number of agreement violations exceeded 197 since the beginning of October, with Russia contributing to this situation.

The team noted that regime forces targeted one of the most densely populated areas in general, with camps in particular. They targeted the main buildings and warehouses of humanitarian organizations, as it is the area closest to the Bab al-Hawa border crossing, which helps bring humanitarian assistance across the border in accordance with the recent UN Security Council resolution. Displaced persons fear a targeting of the area again, as this might cause displacement again.

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The Syrian Response Coordinators condemned the recent escalation in Idleb by the regime and asked the Syrian authorities to stop them and allow civilians to return to their areas safely and to settle down.

In its statement, the team warned of the return of military operations to the region and the increased suffering of civilians. They also warned that the region was unable to absorb any new displacement to the camps, particularly due to the heavy losses and damage that the camps witnessed during the previous period.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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