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Syria, Iraq to Enhance Trade Exchange

The minister of agriculture met with an Iraqi delegation to discuss trade between Syria and Iraq, according to SANA.
Iraq Syria Trade
Syria, Iraq to Enhance Trade Exchange

The Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Eng Muhammad Hassan Qatna, discussed on Wednesday with an economic delegation from Iraq means of activating cooperation and trade exchange with Syria, especially with regard to agricultural production requirements and fertilizers. They also discussed means of facilitating the transportation of goods between the two countries.

Minister Qatana stressed to the delegation, which included a number of businessmen who participated in the Syrian-Iraqi Business Forum recently held in Damascus, the necessity of activating the work of the Joint Committee between Syria and Iraq and convening it periodically to study all the problems and difficulties encountered in the process of trade exchange between the two countries.

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Talks also dealt with means of solving all of those problems and difficulties, especially with regard to unloading cargo at the border, and the consequent costs and product safety insurance were also discussed.

Minister Qatna pointed to the importance of the Iraqi market for Syria, as it is geographically close and the Syrian product is desirable to the Iraqi people. He reviewed the available investment opportunities presented by the ministry and the advantages and facilities offered by the new investment law.

The Minister of Agriculture indicated that among the most important projects offered were bio and organic fertilizer plants, cow and poultry breeding complexes, and marine fish farms.

In turn, the members of the Iraqi delegation made it clear that the Syrian products enjoy a good reputation among the Iraqi citizen and in their local market. They pointed out the necessity of continuing these meetings between the two sides to overcome all obstacles that hinder the transportation of goods and find solutions for these obstacles.

It is noteworthy that the Syrian-Iraqi Business Forum concluded its activities yesterday evening at the Conferences Palace in Damascus.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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