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Syria Denies Visa Again to Weapons Inspector: OPCW

Syria still refuses to grant a visa to the OPCW inspector, the organization said Monday, according to North Press.
Damascus Continues to Deny Visa to Weapons Inspector: OPCW
Syria Denies Visa Again to Weapons Inspector: OPCW

Syria still refuses to grant a visa to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) inspector, OPCW said Monday.

“Syria was also continuing to deny a visa to an OPCW weapons inspector, leading the organization to refuse to deploy a team there,” OPCW Director-General Mr. Fernando Arias said.

This took place in a conference of the OPCW member states, in the Dutch city of The Hague.

The Syrian government did not cooperate with the OPCW team and did not declare its full stockpile of chemical weapons, which “still cannot be considered accurate and complete.”

Read Also: Lavrov: Western Countries are Inciting OPCW Against Syria

“I have invited the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Syria to an in-person meeting,” to discuss violations of the chemical weapons embargo in Syria, he pointed out during the conference.

On April 21st, OPCW member states stripped Syria of its OPCW voting rights after a probe blamed it for poison gas attacks in Idleb.

OPCW Director-General stressed that Syria will remain stripped of its rights to vote until it has fully declared its chemical weapons and weapons-making facilities.

“To date, Syria has not implemented any of these measures,” Arias said, adding that Damascus’ statements regarding the chemical weapons “cannot always be considered accurate and complete.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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