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Dialogue the Only Way to Stop the Bloodshed: Halqi

Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi said Wednesday internal national dialogue is the only means to reach a political solution, to stop the bloodshed and the destruction of the state in Syria.
Dialogue the Only Way to Stop the Bloodshed: Halqi


Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi said Wednesday internal national dialogue is the only means to reach a political solution, to stop the bloodshed and the destruction of the state in Syria.


Speaking during the first meeting of the 4th regular session of the People's Assembly, Halqi said that the government has a clear agenda for the formation of a pluralistic, democratic sovereign state of resistance that is not subservient to any power.


He said that the government is continuing with meetings and consultations with various political and social parties in preparation for the national dialogue conference.


Halqi said the government welcomes the recent agreement reached by Russia and the U.S. to hold an international peace conference based on the 2012 Geneva Communique.


The Syrian government will coordinate with other countries sponsoring the conference and is open to any initiative aimed at resolving the crisis that does not contradict national values, Halqi said.


He pointed to recent developments on the international and Arab stage as proof of a coordinated conspiracy targeting Syria, including the chemical weapons debate, Israeli aggression, the bombings in Reyhanli in Turkey, and a series of meetings in Washington with the General Secretary of the Arab League, Nabil Elarabi, and other Arab foreign ministers.


Halqi said the recent events illustrate a level of confusion among those conspiring against Syria and Palestine to impose their agenda. He also noted the 65th anniversary of the Nakba (Catastrophe),marking the 1948 mass displacement of Palestinians as a result of the formation of the Jewish state, saying that the anniversary this year comes with a new Qatari project to exchange Palestinian territories to serve Israeli interests.


Halqi insisted no-one has the right to relinquish any part of the Golan, Palestine or South Lebanon.


Halqi said while some believed that with Syria excluded from the Arab League, certain sheikhdoms are free to decide the region's destiny, they forget that Syria is at the forefront of the resistance with the power to impose balance in the region.


Halqi also confirmed that the government is working to face challenges to oil production, by providing Syrians with the tools required to raise the production capacity of petroleum wells, importing other oil materials and providing mobile gas stations.


Halqi said that the price of the Syrian Pound is relatively despite a political, military and misleading media campaign targeting the national economy.


The members of the People's Assembly later presented policy papers to address the fallout from the political, economic and infrastructure challenges in the country.


Following on a proposal put forward by the Ministry of National Reconciliation Affairs, the ministers called for the establishment of a ministry for the families of the martyrs, injured and missing.


Other ministers called for the Central Bank to devise a scheme to manage the price of the Syrian Pound against the foreign currencies and finance basic imports.


They also called for a program to tackle the problem of random housing in Damascus and address unemployment.


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