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U.S. and Israel Comment on Astana Sponsors Summit in Tehran

Israel fears the Russian-Iranian rapprochement will hinder its military operations in Syria, according to Baladi News.
U.S. and Israel Comment on Astana Sponsors Summit in Tehran

The United States commented on the Tehran summit, which brought together the presidents of Turkey, Russia, and Iran. 

John Kirby, the coordinator of the National Security Council for Strategic Communications in the White House, said Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Iran is evidence of his isolation and the inability of his military system to meet the needs of the war. 

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Speaking at a White House press conference, Kirby said Putin’s visit to Iran shows that he has no intention of stopping the war in Ukraine. He then revealed Washington’s intention to intensify sanctions against Russia in the next phase.  

For his part, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee in the Israeli Knesset, Ram Ben Barak, said that Israel fears the Russian-Iranian rapprochement will hinder its military operations in Syria.

Barak said in a radio interview that Tel Aviv sees the rapprochement between Tehran and Moscow as a response to U.S. President Joe Biden’s recent trip to the region and to Israel’s stand with Ukraine in the war. 

Barak said Israel does not hide its concern that rapprochement between the two countries would give Tehran legitimacy and strengthen its regional position.  

The Tehran summit concluded on Tuesday evening in the Iranian capital. It discussed Astana’s path on Syria and several issues, including developments in Iran’s nuclear issue and Russia’s war on Ukraine. It was the first tripartite presidential meeting since 2019 between the presidents of Turkey, Russia, and Iran as part of the Astana Peace Process aimed at ending the conflict in Syria.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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