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Syrian Press Editorials

The Syrian press call Turkish PM to resign and accuses the opposition of contacting Israel
Syrian Press Editorials


Government-owned Tishreen Newspaper accused the opposition of contacting Israel. The paper said in an editorial: “To be sure, those members of Sheikh Hamad’s coalition who call themselves the Syrian opposition do not have any sense of national spirit or morality. We consider them no more than a bloc of traitors and agents of espionage.


“Two members of this coalition, for example, have participated in a Zionist conference, even sat with and courted Tzipi Livni. Two others negotiated to be shown on Israeli satellite, insolently insulting Syria by doing so.


“The president of this coalition admits every day that the international community,  and the U.S. in particular, contract the Syrian people to kill, because they refuse military action in Syria which could lead to the killing of tens of thousands more Syrians, just like what happened in Libya. All the while, the latest president claims that military action would “save Syrians souls.” How could a wise man say such a thing?


“These are just some examples of Hamad’s opposition. These are men who gave up their honor, so it is no wonder if they gave up their countries too.”


Under the title Erdogan Should Resign, government-owned Syria Times editorial said: “Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) bear direct responsibility for the explosion in Reyhanli and should step down, Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said Tuesday.


“Erdogan, through facilitating the transfer of arms, explosives, vehicles, fighters and money into Syria has managed to create terrorist cells, the likes of the Afghan Tora Bora and Qandahar on the border areas, he said.


“Zoubi said Erdogan, as a killer and a butcher, should no longer be allowed to build his selfish and egotistical personal glories on the blood of Syrians and Turks. He is considered illegitimate and should resign.


“"Is Erdogan trying to incite his ally, the U.S. to say that Turkey, as a NATO member, is exposed to aggression from Syria?," Zoubi asked.


 "Does he want a pretext to be able to intervene in Syria?"


Many observers, watching the situation on the ground closely, do believe that some parties, including Erdogan himself, aimed to sabotage recent U.S.-Russian efforts towards a peaceful political solution through the Reyhanli terrorist attack.



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