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Syria Stands Against Interference in China’s Internal Affairs

Foreign ministry says Syria supports One China principle following election of pro-independence leader in Taiwan over the weekend
Syria Stands Against Interference in China’s Internal Affairs

Syria renewed its commitment to the One China principle, stressing its firm position against any attempts at interference in China’s internal affairs, a foreign ministry source said.

In a statement on Tuesday, the source added that commenting on the local elections held lately in Taiwan, the Syrian government affirms that Taiwanese authorities should respect and abide by their commitments to the 1992 Consensus.

It is important that the officials of Taiwan “avoid provocative attitudes and statements that are not in the interest of the Chinese citizens in this region and do harm to the friendly relations with the motherland,” added the statement.

It noted that attempts to interfere in China’s internal affairs contravene the objectives and principles of the UN Charter.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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