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Preacher of Amity, Love and True Islam

The preacher (al-Bouti) was indeed the voice of reason, patriotism and justice; he defended to the last breathe and drop of his blood the noble causes of his homeland, religion, and convictions.
Preacher of Amity, Love and True Islam


The late Preacher Sheikh Mohamad Saed Al-Bouti was the man of peace, fraternity, true Islam, and the voice of reason. He stood firm and steadfast in preaching the true sublime meanings of religion for God's sake and never ever for any other purposes. The preacher was indeed the voice of reason, patriotism and justice; he defended to the last breathe and drop of his blood the noble causes of his homeland, religion, and convictions. Thus, his presence in the world of pre-fabricated and ready-made verdicts and fatwas issued by sheikhs of royal courts, foreign intelligence bodies and some Arab regimes was a unique exception. This made of our beloved late preacher the target for a heinous terrorist suicidal attack along with tens of worshipers inside al-Iman Mosque. The ignorant forces of darkness wanted to silence his voice of reason; Allâh, however, ''will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the Kâfirûn (disbelievers) hate (it). 


The late preacher, on June 15, 2000, in an eulogy word following the untimely demise of the late President Hafez Al-Assad, the builder of modern Syria, said that the Syrian people learned from their great late leader wisdom, highness, peace and not to abandon their rights, addressing  lieutenant general Dr. Bashar Al-Assad , asserting to H.E. that '' Responsibilities are heavy but God will help you. I congratulate the Syria people that they will not transfer from this umbrella into a burning sun but will remain within shady shadows,"


The time moves on and 13 years later of sincere and honest  preaching of the true sublime meanings of true Islam, President Bashar Al-Assad addresses a touching telegram of condolences over the passing away of the martyred preacher of goodness and blessings, describing him as the '' real man who expressed the real voice of Islam" and as '' one of the great figures in Syria and the entire Islamic world, who carried along the real message of Islam, as the  voice of Islam and the light of faith" in the face of "the forces of darkness  and the takfiri extremist thinking."


Actually, the Syrians, not to mention every true believer worldwide, were relieved when President Al-Assad made a promise in his telegram that the blood of our great Preacher and martyrs ''will not go in vain'', pledging that we would ever adhere to our late Preacher's  thought against the takfiri thinking until we purge Syria from it. The Syrians will ever remain faithful to your teachings  while your corpse resides nearby Salah Eddine Monument and your soul blessed with martyrs.


Our late Preacher was indeed, as Information Minister Omran al-Zou'bi declared, ''an incomparable man with all standards and meanings. The Syrians' real response is but to be the more of  commitment to the national dialogue, fraternity, love  and amity among themselves. ''Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allâh as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision.''



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