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Participated in Torturing Detainees for Assad: Activists Expose Criminal Living in Germany

Activists are urging for the prosecution of the criminal in Germany, according to Orient Net.
Participated in Torturing Detainees for Assad: Activists Expose Criminal Living in Germany

Activists have been sharing a picture on social media of Bahaa Wannous, one of the criminals associated with the Assad regime. It has been reported that he has left Assad-controlled areas and is currently residing in Berlin, Germany. Wannous, who is originally from a village in Lattakia, has been accused of torturing hundreds of detainees in Assad’s prisons, according to posts on Facebook.

Activists are urging for the prosecution of the criminal in Germany and for his crimes to be exposed, with the hope that he will be arrested and brought to trial for the atrocities he committed against Syrians who stood up against the Bashar al-Assad regime.

However, it is widely believed that individuals who participated in killings or other violent acts with Assad’s militia against Syrians are rarely held accountable. This highlights the urgent need for organized action by human rights groups and international organizations to bring these criminals to justice.

Armed battalions 

Zaman al-Wsl has disclosed the identities of several individuals who were involved in killing Syrians before seeking refuge in Europe. Among them is Amal Azza, a member of the leadership of the Damascus branch of the Baath Party, who is currently residing in Germany under temporary protection. The website has provided evidence in the form of certificates and photos that confirm Azza’s participation in military activities in Syria. Azza was reportedly responsible for supervising armed battalions in support of the Baath Party and training children to fight and carry weapons within the organization’s Revolutionary Youth Union of the Baath.

In addition, Major General Shawkat Saleh al-Ali, the former deputy commander of the naval forces in the Assad militia, has been accused of being responsible for the southern sand massacre in Lattakia. According to Zaman al-Wsl, he is currently residing in both the Netherlands and Germany.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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