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New Developments on Gulf Rapprochement with Syria. What Caused Change and What Obstacles?

Analysts have concluded that Arab countries have no other options but to restore their relations with Syria, Athr Press says.
New Developments on Gulf Rapprochement with Syria. What Caused Change and What Obstacles?

There have been recent developments in the Arab world’s efforts to mend relations with Syria. One of the most notable developments was the Gulf Cooperation Council’s conference held in Jeddah to discuss Syria’s potential return to the Arab League. An important aspect of this meeting was the invitation extended to Qatar, a country that has been viewed as resistant to restoring ties with Syria. Many analysts see this invitation as a significant step forward in the ongoing effort to rebuild Arab-Syrian relations.

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Analysts have concluded that Arab countries have no other options but to restore their relations with Syria. In this context, Dr. Abdel Moneim Saeed, the head of the al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, wrote an article in Asharq al-Awsat newspaper emphasizing that “although Syria and Turkey received international and regional sympathy for the earthquake disaster, Arab sympathy was immediate, tangible, and had a significant impact. The Arab approach was not limited to providing relief aid but also included discussions about restoring diplomatic relations with Syria. Syria cannot be left to deal with its situation alone. Historical experiences have shown that isolating an Arab country comes at a high cost, not only for the country in question but also for the entire Arab region. Therefore, restoring relations with Syria deserves significant diplomatic and political efforts from Arab reform countries working together.”

In an article published in the al-Arab newspaper, Emirati strategist Salem al-Ketbi stated that the Syria issue is one of the most significant strategic concerns for the Arab world, given Syria’s strategic importance. He noted that there is a semi-official Arab consensus on the need to re-engage with Syria, and the current situation since 2011 is unsustainable. It is urgent to support the Syrian people, create conditions for millions of refugees to return home, and take advantage of the recent breakthroughs in regional relations. While al-Ketbi acknowledged that there are complications that make it difficult to achieve a complete breakthrough in the Syrian crisis soon, he noted that the UAE is making efforts to accelerate the search for solutions.  

Another article published in the same newspaper discussed the positions of Saudi Arabia and Qatar regarding this rapprochement. It stated that “Saudi Arabia and Qatar do not wish to hinder Syria’s return to the Arab League, which has become inevitable due to regional and international changes. However, they seek a Gulf and Arab consensus on this matter to prevent any potential embarrassment.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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