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Kuwait Supports Return of Regime to Arab League; Arab Meeting to Discuss

Saudi Arabia is actively working towards reinstating Syria's position, according to al-Souria Net.
Kuwait Supports Return of Regime to Arab League; Arab Meeting to Discuss

According to diplomatic sources, Kuwait has expressed its support for the Syrian regime’s reinstatement in the Arab League and has suggested convening an Arab meeting to discuss this matter. The sources revealed that Kuwait is in favour of the Arab League’s decision regarding the regime’s return to its position within the organization. Additionally, they mentioned that an upcoming meeting of Arab foreign ministers, to be held in Jeddah next week, will cover a range of topics, including the reactivation of Syria’s membership in the Arab League.

Diplomatic sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, have revealed that the reinstatement of the Syrian regime’s membership in the Arab League is subject to the consensus of all Arab countries, similar to the process that took place when the regime’s membership was initially suspended.

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Despite Kuwait’s announcement in February that it had no intentions of restoring relations with the Syrian regime, sources informed Al-Jarida newspaper that Kuwait would not object to the regime’s reentry into the Arab League if there was an agreement among all Arab countries.

Saudi Efforts 

Meanwhile, there are reports that Saudi Arabia is actively working towards reinstating Syria’s position in the Arab League. Reuters revealed on April 2 that Saudi Arabia is planning to invite President Assad to attend the Arab summit in Riyadh next month, effectively ending Syria’s regional isolation. This move comes at a time when the US and the West are attempting to isolate Damascus and impose sanctions on it.

According to Saudi Arabia’s Okaz newspaper, the country is aiming to take a leading role in calming regional hotspots, such as Syria, following its surprise decision to restore relations with Iran last month. The paper suggests that Riyadh is determined to ensure that nothing disrupts its ambitious plans to transform its economy.

Bloomberg, the American news agency, has verified that Saudi Arabia is actively taking measures to end the suspension of Syria’s membership in the Arab League, ahead of the scheduled summit in mid-May. The report suggests that while the United States is aware of these efforts, it is powerless to stop them.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman aims to establish his country as the preeminent political and economic force in the Arab world. However, reconciling with Syria may weaken American influence in the region and exacerbate the divide between regional powers and the United States.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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