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Hezbollah Intelligence Exposes ‘Agents’ and Regime Arrests Them

The regime's security services detained four individuals from Homs in response to recent Israeli airstrikes in the city, al-Modon reports
Hezbollah Intelligence Exposes ‘Agents’ and Regime Arrests Them

Syrian intelligence have apprehended four individuals from the central Syrian city of Homs, accusing them of collaborating with Israel.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the regime’s security services detained four individuals from Homs in response to recent Israeli airstrikes in the city, resulting in casualties among Lebanese Hezbollah members and civilians.

Since the onset of 2024, Syrian intelligence, in collaboration with Iranian militias, has conducted a series of arrests, totaling 15 individuals, including a regime forces officer and a militia leader, on similar charges. This brings the total number of arrests related to dealings with Israel to 19, as reported by the Observatory.

The Observatory stated that six individuals were previously released after interrogation by Syrian regime intelligence, while 13 others remain in custody pending further investigation.

Director Rami Abdel Rahman affirmed to Al-Modon that Lebanese Hezbollah provides Syrian regime intelligence with information on these individuals, utilizing their intelligence apparatus, which he asserts is more robust than that of the Syrian regime.

Abdul Rahman explained that Hezbollah identified the collaborators through the coordinates provided to Israeli aircraft for airstrikes, utilizing a network of cameras and communication systems in Syria to identify and locate individuals suspected of collaboration.

In early March, Israeli airstrikes targeted a building in Homs’ Hamra neighborhood, resulting in its collapse and the deaths of 10 people, alongside damage to several other buildings in the governorate.

According to AFP, Israeli raids in Homs resulted in the deaths of two Lebanese Hezbollah members.

Previously, the Observatory reported that Syrian intelligence and Iranian militias conducted a sweep in Deir ez-Zor, arresting 93 militia members, including two leaders, for alleged collaboration with Israel. Seventy individuals were subsequently released, while 30 remain detained.

Since the onset of its aggression on the Gaza Strip, Israel has intensified its bombardment of Syrian territory, striking 56 targets, resulting in the deaths of 170 military personnel, including Iranian Revolutionary Guards advisers and Hezbollah members, as well as 12 civilians, according to the Observatory.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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