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Druze Sheikhs and Regime Leaders Hold Secret Meeting in Sweida

Druze clerics refuse regime pressures to issue any Fatwa and refused to send the youth of Sweida to fight in any part of Syria
Druze Sheikhs and Regime Leaders Hold Secret Meeting in Sweida

Sources in the Southern city of Sweida revealed a secret meeting has been held in the house of Sheikh al-Akl Yousef al-Jarbou.


The meeting was reportedly attended by regime security heads, along with the military Governor of Sweida, Atif al-Naddaf. The meeting was reportedly held under tight security.


Samir al-Qintar, a government supporter from Lebanon, who is close to Hezbollah, was reported to have attended. The sources said he met to pressure the Sheikhs to issue a religious Fatwa ordering Sweida youth, active in what is known as the ‘Popular Defense Committees’ to join the regime forces and the Iranian mercenaries in an attack on the nearby city of Busra al-Harir.


Qintar was rebuffed, it was reported. The sheikhs refused to issue any Fatwa and refused to send the youth of Sweida to fight in any part of Syria.


The sheikhs reportedly emphasized that should any young man, except those in the military or security institutions, be killed outside the Sweida region, there will be no calls for revenge, no funeral ceremonies will be held, and he will be buried without prayer.




Translated and Edited by The Syrian Observe



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