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Britain Does Not Intend to Reopen Its Embassy in Damascus

Britain has denied making moves to reopen its embassy in Damascus, which it previously closed in 2012 writes Alsouria Net.
Britain Does Not Intend to Reopen Its Embassy in Damascus

Britain’s special representative to Syria, Martin Longden, said in a tweet published on the official British Foreign Ministry account, “The Assad regime lost its legitimacy due to the atrocities committed against the Syrian people. We therefore closed the British Embassy in Damascus in 2012. We have no plans to reopen it. End of story.” He did not add more details.

Regime and loyalist media had previously promoted British intentions to reopen its embassy in Damascus and said that there was renovation work underway inside the embassy building in the Syrian capital in this respect.

The Russia Today website said in a report published on Monday that there were “movements behind the walls to open the British Embassy in Damascus.”

The Russian website said that sources had revealed a deal between the embassy and companies to begin renovating the building and to open it anew at a later time.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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