
Demonstrators Prevent Russian Delegation from Entering al-Bab

Activists shared footage depicting the escalating fervour of the protests, according to Shaam Network.
Demonstrators Prevent Russian Delegation from Entering al-Bab

The city of al-Bab in the eastern countryside of Aleppo erupted in fervent popular demonstrations upon receiving news of a planned entry by a Russian delegation on Tuesday. Residents and revolutionaries mobilized in adamant opposition to the potential arrival of Russian forces, irrespective of any pretext.

Activists shared footage depicting the escalating fervour of the protests, which ignited on Tuesday following calls from and the assembly of revolutionary movement activists, spurred by reports hinting at a coordinated entry of a Russian delegation alongside Turkish forces. This prompted the populace to take to the streets, vehemently expressing their refusal to allow the Russian delegation’s entry.

Local sources indicated that preparations for the entry of a Russian delegation into al-Bab, east of Aleppo, at the Abu al-Zindeen crossing—dividing regime-controlled areas from liberated ones—were underway. However, the entry did not materialize due to widespread popular rejection, with roads near the crossing being obstructed with stones and makeshift barricades.

It was reported that residents meticulously scrutinized a military convoy to ensure that Russian forces, in conjunction with Turkish forces, did not breach the city without verified information about the delegation’s intentions. Speculation circulated regarding negotiations regarding water supply in exchange for electricity to regime-controlled areas, yet no official confirmation was provided.

Sources cited a military insider from the Syrian National Army announcing the withdrawal of the scheduled Russian delegation from al-Bab amidst the escalating protests, coupled with the ongoing mobilization of people and revolutionaries across northern and eastern Aleppo.

The inhabitants of liberated areas in Syria staunchly oppose the intrusion of Russian forces, which intervened alongside the tyrant Bashar al-Assad in his military campaigns against areas that broke free from his grip post the revolution’s inception in March 2011. The demonstrations rejecting the Russian delegation’s entry epitomize the revolution’s resolute stance against the malevolent Russian occupation.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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