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President Bashar Assad Leads Key Baath Party Meeting on Special Election Organization

Assad hoped for the rejuvenation in the party’s operational system, according to al-Baath.
President Bashar Assad Leads Key Baath Party Meeting on Special Election Organization

President Bashar al-Assad, serving as the Secretary-General of the al-Baath Arab Socialist Party, presided over a session of the party’s Central Committee. The meeting’s primary agenda was to discuss a proposal regarding the organization of special elections. These elections are intended to select representatives for an upcoming enlarged meeting of the Central Committee.

In his address, President al-Assad provided a comprehensive overview of the current standards of party operations, focusing specifically on the topics of the meeting’s agenda. He elaborated on the proposal he received concerning the election process for the party’s representatives. This process is crucial as it will lead to the formation of a new Central Committee and, subsequently, a new central leadership for the al-Baath Arab Socialist Party.

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President Assad emphasized the significance of the outcomes of this meeting. He highlighted that the anticipated changes and rejuvenation in the party’s operational system would extend beyond the party, impacting society and the state.

He acknowledged that while the elections might not represent a monumental stride in this journey, they are nevertheless essential and significant, especially considering the party’s longstanding history in the Arab world.

He further stated that these elections should be steered in the right direction to enhance positive aspects and address any negative ones. To this end, President al-Assad focused on three key points: broadening the scope of participation in the leadership elections, addressing and resolving issues of undue influence in the election process, and establishing a committee comprised of non-candidates to oversee the election proceedings.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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