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Abda: Visits to Washington and Geneva to Stop Efforts to Support Regime

Anas al-Abdah has confirmed that the Syrian opposition has lobbied with western capitals to convince them not to normalize ties with the regime, according to the Syrian News Agency.
Abdah: Visits to Washington and Geneva to Disrupt Efforts to Support Assad
Abda: Visits to Washington and Geneva to Stop Efforts to Support Regime

On Saturday, the head of the Syrian Negotiations Committee, Anas al-Abda, held a press conference in Istanbul, Turkey. In that press conference, he discussed the most prominent developments in Syrian political affairs, and what the Commission is doing to activate the UN track 2254 (voted in 2015 in support of a ‘Syrian-owned political transition to end the conflict’, editor’s note). Abda stressed in his speech that the recent visits to New York, Washington, and Geneva, in addition to meetings with Arab and Western officials, aim to promote the disruption of any effort to support the Assad regime.

“We assured all officials and diplomats that supporting the regime again equates bringing more destruction and instability in the Middle East, which is equivalent to exonerating a murderer and a war criminal,” he added.

The visits aim to promote the voice and suffering of our people inside and outside Syria, detainees and displaced persons, and to internationally raise the priority of the Syrian issue.

“I can say that most of the actors in the international community are still against the rehabilitation or normalization of the Assad regime in Damascus. There exists no intention to lift sanctions against the regime, especially in Washinton’,” Abda said.

Read Also: Opposition Leader Meslet: the U.S. not Willing to Normalize with Regime

Abda noted that they met in Geneva with representatives of 12 countries. He stressed the same demands he presented in Washington and said “we discussed the needs of the liberated areas concerning COVID-19 with OCHA’s new President.”

Anas al-Abda confirmed that the sixth round of the Constitutional Committee will begin on Monday. The meeting will discuss the drafting of the constitution’s basic principles. He stressed that the Committee’s delegation is prepared for the meeting, and will do everything in its power to advance the procedure.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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