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Government Forces Target Opposition Factions in Syria’s Northwest

On Monday, Damascus government forces bombed Turkish-backed Syrian armed opposition factions around Idleb and Lattakia, resulting in material damages, according to North Press.
On Monday, Damascus government forces bombed Turkish-backed Syrian armed opposition factions around Idleb and Lattakia, resulting in material damages, according to North Press.
Government Forces Target Opposition Factions in Syria’s Northwest

On Monday, Damascus government forces bombed the Turkish-backed Syrian armed opposition factions’ sites in the Idleb and Lattakia countryside, northwest Syria, reporting material damage.

Sources in the opposition factions told North Press that the government forces stationed in the town of Hazarin renewed their artillery and missile shelling on the towns of al-Kafir and al-Kinda and the vicinity of Jisr al-Shughur city located in the western countryside of Idleb.

Private property was destroyed due to the shelling, the source added.

Read Also: Russia Bombs Idleb, Pro-Iranian Factions Bomb Besieged Daraa

The government forces also targeted the factions’ positions in the village of al-Khader, located in the Jabal al-Akrad region, and other fortifications in al-Tuffahiya and Shanbar castle north of Lattakia, with heavy artillery and rocket launchers, according to the same sources.

On Sunday, Russian warplanes targeted the areas of the Kabanah hills and the hills surrounding the village of Barza Fawqani in the northern countryside of Lattakia, in addition to other sites in the vicinity of the towns of Kansafra and al-Fateira and the town of Bassam, south of Idleb, with high-explosive missiles.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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