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The Terror Project – Editorial

Israel provided provided the so-called evidence of chemical weapons use in Syria
The Terror Project – Editorial

Week-long, secret and public talks were held in lobbies and behind closed doors of the White House this week to try review options towards Syrian crisis.


These were nothing more than a review of the plans and requests of those motivating American diplomacy, especially given what we now know, that Israel, represented by the Zionist Lobby, was the one who provided America with what was described as "evidence" of Syria's use of chemical weapons, as reported by the New York Times ths week.


The new reality on the ground, imposed by the Syrian army, has disturbed the plans of international terrorist campaign against Syria, forcing them to scramble for alternative methods to reach their objectives.


The result was the pre-determined accusation of the usage of chemical weapons. The whole world immediately recognized this as a lie, given the similarity to the pretext used to invade Iraq, of the use of weapons of mass destruction weapons, whch the U.S. was later forced to admit was a fabrication.


The confessions and declarations that followed constituted a major scandal, albeit decorated with the excuse that Iraq was invaded to achieve democracy.


Today, America tries shamelessly to fabricate the chemical scenario, prompting the Chairman of the Board of International Relations in the Russian Duma to remind them of history: "The evidence of Syrian government's usage of chemical weapons is fabricated just like Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction," he said, also saying that Obama is following the steps of George Bush.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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