
Power Struggles Have Not Been Resolved: Ghalioun

Former opposition leader says there are two major enemies to the Syrian people: the regime and the opposition divisions
Power Struggles Have Not Been Resolved: Ghalioun

Former president of the Syrian National Coalition, Burhan Ghalioun said that after two days of meetings it was clear there are "two major enemies" of the Syrian people.


"We have to confess that we have two major enemies: The regime and his allies from one side, and our divisions which are the result of competition over useless positions. I can almost say that the second is no less dangerous than the first," Ghalioun said on his Facebook page.


"All our attempts to neutralize this battle over power and position have failed so far."


Ghalioun suggested the most important thing is to establish a Council of Advisors, on the condition that its members refuse any political position whatsoever until the fall of the Assad regime and the beginning of the natural stage of Syrian political life.


Ghalioun said his proposal was rejected simply because it would stop the infighting over positions.


"We had asked, within the basic framework of the Coalition, to prohibit any member from nomination to any position in any government before the transitional stage, in order to ensure that this will be a group that works hard and cooperatively, and with a team spirit, free of competition," he said.


"On this basis I refused the nomination to form a transitional government. But some succeeded in finding a majority to vote against the suggestion,


This was before pressure emerged from inside Syria, circulated via social networking, to compel the Coalition to go back to the first regulations.


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