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Antakya Residents Angry over Turkey’s Syria Policy

Antakya residents have taken to the streets daily to express their rage and condemnation at Ankara’s support for the Syrian opposition fighters following the bloody double bombing which struck Reyhanli in southern Turkey Saturday.

Turkey to Blame for Reyhanli Bombings: Zoubi

Syrian Information Minister, Omran al-Zoubi Sunday condemned the bombings which rocked the city ofReyhanliin southern Turkey as terrorist act and an affront to all moral, human and legal standards.

Ford tells Doha Coalition to join Political Negotiations

Syria says the US Ambassador to Damascus Robert Ford reportedly issued instructions from the Obama administration to the members of the opposition “National Coalition of Doha” to join political efforts

Opinion: Israeli Messages in Several Directions

Many political commentators have attempted to discern Israel’s real reasons for the dual strike it launched on military targets in Syria at the end of last week.

Is Saudi Arabia behind the substitution of Hitto?

The former president of Syrian National Council, Abdul Basset Seida said that the a replacement for Ghassan Hitto, the current president of the Syrian Transitional Government is possible during a meeting of the executive body of the Coalition decided to be held in Istanbul on 11-12 May.

Abdullah Gül: The View From Ankara

Our major desire is for Bashar Al-Assad to act realistically, and not to remain detached from reality. His persistence in his current approach means bringing greater and greater ruin to Syria.

UN Refugee Chief: Syria Crisis Could Be Worst Ever

The UN’s high commissioner for refugees, António Guterres, told London’s Guardian newspaper that the fighting in Syria was the worst humanitarian disaster since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and was already more destructive than the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US-NATO Orchestrated War

Flanders warned against a catastrophic repetition of the Iraqi non-existed MDW’s, asserting that the same scenario, the same playbook seems to be used now in Syria with similar charges, pointing out that who has the weapons of mass destruction in the world today is but the Pentagon.

Allahu Akbar!

Allahu Akbar has within the past two years in Syria taken a different –unfortunately contradictory- meaning. For it has been abused and the name of Allah taken in vain time and time again.

The Free Syria Army distances itself from an-Nusra

“We don’t support the ideology of Al-Nusra,” Louay Muqdad, FSA spokesman, told AFP news agency, stressing: “There has never been and there will never be a decision at the command level to coordinate with Al-Nusra.”

Syria dying with no winners, no help in sight

Five million Syrians have become below the line of poverty, in addition to two million unemployed and 800,000 destructed houses, Syria’s Former Deputy PM Abdullah al Dardari has said.

President al-Assad: Foreign Interference is Red Line, Unrest in Syria Will Have Domino Effect throughout the Region

President Bashar al-Assad said that foreign interference is a red line, adding that if the unrest in Syria leads to the partitioning of the country or if the terrorist forces take control of Syria, or both of the above, the situation will inevitably first spill over into neighboring countries and then create a domino effect throughout the Middle East and beyond.

UN Funds for Syrian Refugees Running Out

Funds for United Nations efforts to assist refugees from the fighting in Syria are running dangerously low, according to officials at the organization.