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Ford tells Doha Coalition to join Political Negotiations

Syria says the US Ambassador to Damascus Robert Ford reportedly issued instructions from the Obama administration to the members of the opposition “National Coalition of Doha” to join political efforts

U.S Accepted Syrian Conditions: Assad will Stay

Israeli political sources say the United States dealt a severe blow to armed groups operating in Syria after it accepted Russian conditions to solve the crisis in the country.

Syria Welcomes U.S.-Russian Rapprochement

Syria welcomes the U.S.-Russian “rapprochement” to hold a conference to find a political solution to end the conflict in Syria, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

U.S Accepted Syrian Conditions: Assad will Stay

Israeli political sources say the United States dealt a severe blow to armed groups operating in Syria after it accepted Russian conditions to solve the crisis in the country.

Opinion: Syria Conference and Middle Ground Solution Formula

Secretary of State Kerry chose to recognize in Kremlin the existence of “significant common interests with respect to Syria” for both the American and Russian sides, thus reassuring Putin that the end of the war will only be secured through dual sponsorship – whose lines are drawn by Washington and Moscow – and that the Libya experience will not be reiterated as promised by Obama and repeated by NATO on many occasions.

Syrian press editorials

Syrian press editorials expressed the regime’s suspicion of the US Secretary of State John Kerry.

Two Orthodox Bishops Held in Syria Freed

Two Orthodox bishops reportedly kidnapped by rebels in northern Syria have been released, an association of Middle Eastern Christians on Tuesday said in a statement citing Syrian sources.

Syria Took Decision to Fight Terrorism, Go to Dialogue: Information Minister

Syria’s Minister of Information Omran al-Zoubi says the “hostile acts” against Syria coming from western, Arab and regional countries including the smuggling of weapons and terrorists through their territories to perpetrate their crimes against the Syrian people and loot the Syrian oil.

Statement regarding Russia’s continued Arms support of Assad

The Syrian people find no justification or excuse of Russia’s continued arms support of an authoritarian regime adamant to hold on to power, against the will of the people, and at the expense of thousands of lives.

The Syrians between the Cup of Tyranny and the Poisons of Terrorism

Between a dictatorship and a less dictatorial tyranny that will last for a while, neither the Arabs’ situation during their spring nor the Iraqis’ situation a decade after Saddam’s fall is revealing that the hefty price that was paid is enough to launch a transitional phase, setting the foundations for the recognition of the rights of the other oppositionist as the only way to ensure stability and end the killing.

US-NATO Orchestrated War

Flanders warned against a catastrophic repetition of the Iraqi non-existed MDW’s, asserting that the same scenario, the same playbook seems to be used now in Syria with similar charges, pointing out that who has the weapons of mass destruction in the world today is but the Pentagon.

President al-Assad: Foreign Interference is Red Line, Unrest in Syria Will Have Domino Effect throughout the Region

President Bashar al-Assad said that foreign interference is a red line, adding that if the unrest in Syria leads to the partitioning of the country or if the terrorist forces take control of Syria, or both of the above, the situation will inevitably first spill over into neighboring countries and then create a domino effect throughout the Middle East and beyond.