

For the U.S., Better Syria than Iran in Lebanon

As Lebanon prepares to receive much-needed Egyptian gas through Syria, the general impression is that this bargain would allow the regime to rehabilitate itself regionally.

Scorched Earth in Syria’s Daraa al-Balad

In Daraa al-Balad, after a truce agreement was reached, some people have returned to destroyed houses or scorched earth, Asharq al-Awsat writes.

UN Envoy Hopeful Syria Constitution Talks will Resume

The UN’s Syria envoy said he held “very good discussions” in Damascus Saturday, and hoped that a committee to discuss a post-war constitution could soon reconvene, according to al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Regime Forces Enter Daraa al-Balad and Begin Inspection

Regime forces conducted an operation in Daraa al-Balad to ensure that so-called “outsiders” were not present there, as part of the truce signed a few days ago, according to Baladi News.