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Decline in Number of Young Men in Syria

Migration, violent conflict, and military conscription have reduced the ratio of men to women in Syria drastically, according to SY24.

Assad Replaces Four Governors

Syrian regime president Bashar al-Assad issued four decrees replacing the four governors of Lattakia, Idleb, Daraa, and as-Suweida, according to Enab Baladi.

Shishani Leaves and HTS Attacks Whoever Remains

HTS was able to push the leader of Junud al-Sham, Muslim al-Shishani, to withdraw from the northern Lattakia countryside, paving the way for a large-scale military operation, according to al-Modon.

24 Arsonists Executed in Syria

On Wednesday, Syria executed 24 people accused of igniting last year’s wildfires, which left 3 people dead and burnt thousands of hectares of forests, according to Athr Press.