
Over One Million Tourists Have Come to Syria in 8 Months

Syria stressed that it provides all facilities to Arab businesspeople who want to invest seriously in Syria, according to Athr Press.
Over One Million Tourists Have Come to Syria in 8 Months

In an exclusive statement to Athr Press, Tourism Minister Mohamed Rami Martini confirmed that the number of tourists coming to Syria in the past eight months exceeded 1.2 million tourists, stressing that Syria has not closed its doors to Arab countries; on the contrary, Syria is open to everyone.
Martini stressed that the government provides all facilities to Arab businesspeople who want to invest seriously in Syria, with over 28 discontinued tourism projects returning to operation.

Martini commented on the projects that will be presented at the Tourism Investment Forum, which will be held in cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and the Syrian Investment Commission over two days in Damascus, starting next Sunday. Specifically, he revealed that there are several projects in Aleppo and Damascus, and, on the same day, the cornerstone for several projects will be laid. In Old Damascus, the Suleiman Pasha project is a very important initiative. The Samir Ames Hotel, the old reservation garage, and the Hejaz site — all these projects will be integrated into Damascus’ tourist trail.

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“We have projects in Homs, in Hama, Sweida, Latakia, Tartus, Jableh, Aleppo, Raqqa, and soon in Idleb,” he said.
As for the sites presented for Rural Damascus, it was reiterated that there is a site of new hotels in the valley and sites for popular and environmental tourism. There are private investments under the investment law in Zabadani, Jdeidet Yabous and in Kafr Hour. There are also projects for the Syrian Transport and Tourism Company and several projects (eight sites) focusing on popular tourism, which offers a commercial opportunity.

The Tourism Minister’s statement came on the sidelines of the opening of the Golden Mezzeh Hotel, which is the newest hotel in Bsawiyah. The minister indicated that Damascus suffered from a shortage of beds before the war and in several governorates, pointing to the importance of international-standard hotels returning to Syria. Such hotels opened in Aleppo in September. The Golden Mezzeh Hotel will similarly be distinguished by its international-standard management, as well as many modern experiences curated by Syrian hands. The hotel also imported building materials only where necessary.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author. 

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