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New Data Reveals: More Male Births than Female, as well as Deaths

Experts claim the CBS statistics are inaccurate, according to al-Watan.
New Data Reveals: More Male Births than Female, as well as Deaths

According to data from some Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) records at the beginning of 2020, the population in Syria was 28.840 million, of whom 14.437 million are female and 14.403 million are males. 

As per governorates, the population of the Damascus governorate reached 1.976 million, in Aleppo 6.750 million, rural Damascus 2.257 million, Homs 2.518 million, Hama 2.581 million, Lattakia 1.4 million, Idleb 2.306 million, Hassakeh 2.211 million, Deir-ez-Zor 1.929 million, Tartous 1.1 million, Raqqa 1.202 million, Daraa 1.459 million, Suweida 561,000, and Quneitra 590,000. 

CBS data showed that the population in 2019 was 16.3 million and in 2018 it reached 16 million, while in 2017 it was 26.3 million. This indicates an error in the data received, requiring more attention and accuracy in the published data. 

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University professor and former Director of the CBS, Shafiq Arbash, confirmed to Al-Watan that there was an error in the figures published for 2017 and 2018. He explained that the figures received according to civil status records data include all Syrians registered with the secretariats of the Civil Registry, whether residing in Syria or abroad.

Arbash pointed out that the number of registered population for the year 2020, amounting to 28.8 million, is not completely accurate, wondering if this data includes all births taking place outside the country, and in areas controlled by armed terrorist gangs.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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