

Syria Confronts Israeli Attack

Israel has admitted that it has conducted hundreds of strikes against Iranian targets in Syria writes SANA.

Washington Tries to Mobilize Allies Against Iran

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is visiting the Middle East to try an secure support for America’s policies and its post Syria strategy writes Al-Watan.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Israeli attacks on Damascus airport, civilian killed in the Idleb de-escalation zone and residents of the Tadamon neighborhood refused the right to return. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

The “Good Assad”

As the conflict in Syria looks to be heading into the final act, regional powers are seeking to understand what the Syria of the future holds for them and how they can use Assad writes Al-Modon.

Firas Tlass: Never Trust the Americans

Syrian businessman Firas Tlass has lashed out at the US and their lack of planning and strategy in Syria writes Ana Press.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Kurdish meetings to discuss Turkish military movements, civilians killed in Hajin, rising tensions in Idleb and weapon caches found in Daraa. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Syria’s Solution Rug

The conflict in Syria is a tangled mess of conflicting groups and ideas and the search for a political solution is likely to be long and hard writes Asharq al-Awsat.