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What Is The Russian Withdrawal Hiding?

Moscow’s role in Syria was an attempt to draw attention to their strength following the fall of the Soviet Union, and therefore to their influential role at the head of the new world hierarchy

The Assassination of Samir Kuntar: An Embarrassment for Iran, Hezbollah

“Hezbollah finds itself in an awkward position as its militia is unable to launch a wide response against Israel for fear of its response, which may result in more human losses in Hezbollah ranks, especially since a third of its fighters have perished in Syria”

ITUC Condemn Economic Sanctions on Syrian People

Conference goers upbraid Western-backed sanctions on Syria while criticizing capitalist policies which aim to steal from the global working class

Assad Gives Interview to Hezbollah’s al-Manar

Assad has given a lengthy interview to Hezbollah’s channel al-Manar. Below is the interview as translated and published by SANA, the Syrian official news agency

Regime Loyalists Amass Fortunes From Misery of Syrian War

These new financial empires were not restricted to businessmen with dubious practices for earning money, instead, these fortunes also extended to military figures whose official salary is barely enough to survive for a month