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Dawn of a Solution in Syria and the Russian Role

It is expected that Russia will redouble its efforts politically and militarily until the end of this year to create a situation in Syria that allows them to achieve most of their aims from the intervention

Opinion: Hezbollah – What a Blow!

Mustafa Badreddine was not Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. However, he was more dangerous

Is There Scope For a Solution in Syria?

Following the failures of the international community to help resolve the Syrian crisis, the country’s cultural, political and social elite should start working toward securing successful conditions for a solution today, as quickly as possible, and with the least possible harm to Syria and its people

Opinion: Syria – What is Russia up to Now?

It did not take long for the US to prove it was not a ‘friend of the Syrian people’ – if it ever was – but rather became a neutral actor at best