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Julani and Abu Yassin Agreement in the Aleppo Countryside – A Solution to the Conflict?

HTS and the Third corp have reached a "principled" agreement consisting of ten items to end the "fighting" between them, according to al-Souria Net.
Julani and Abu Yassin Agreement in the Aleppo Countryside – A Solution to the Conflict?

The Third Corps in the northern countryside of Aleppo and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) have reached a “principled” agreement consisting of ten items to end the “fighting” between them. It is scheduled to enter into force after 12 p.m. on Saturday.
The agreement was published on Saturday night, with the signature of HTS commander Abu Muhammad al-Julani on the one hand, and Hussam Yassin (Abu Yassin), commander of the Third Corps, which is led by the Levant Front faction, on the other.
Its provisions provide for a complete ceasefire, an end to the dispute between the parties, the release of all those arrested in recent events, and the return of the forces of the Third Corps to its headquarters and barracks.
It also ordered the dismantling of HTS’ military alert and that the work of the Third Corps be concentrated only in the military sphere. This is in addition to other items, the latest of which is the continuation of consultation processes and the reform of civilian institutions in the next phase.

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Although this agreement was announced by both parties, the identifiers of the Third Corps quickly deleted it minutes after it was published on Saturday night. This sparked controversy and doubts about its authenticity or the items it contained.
At a time when the reasons for the withdrawal of the statement by the Third Corps conflicted, informed sources told al-Souria Net that several leaders of the Levant Front are not satisfied with the items, as “the full story is in the details.”
The sources, who preferred not to be named, added that the agreement allows HTS to enter in one way or another in the administration of the northern countryside of Aleppo, whether from a civilian or military point of view, considering that “the Idleb project is now applying its features in the Euphrates Shield and the Olive Branch.”

What does the agreement mean?
On the part of HTS, members close to it considered that what happened was a “victory” and that the forces that entered during the past four days would not withdraw but would remain.
The announced agreement did not address the presence of HTS in the countryside of Aleppo, and it did not stipulate the need for its withdrawal from the area. This is a controversial point regarding the “details” whose features are not yet clear.
On the part of the Third Corps, Sirajuddin al-Omar, a member of its media office, said the agreement that was published “is principled, not final.” However, he added, “Nevertheless, it is being implemented at the moment.”
Omar explained to al-Souria Net: “Now the agreement is by virtue of the applicable rule,” referring to the ten items signed by Julani and Abu Yassin.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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