
Hassakeh Immigration Branch Returns to Work and Issues Passports

Newly opened office should cut down costs for Syrians getting a new passport, Al-Watan reports
Hassakeh Immigration Branch Returns to Work and Issues Passports

The Immigration and Passports Department branch in Hassakeh province returned to work and commenced issuing passports to citizens in its new headquarters for the first time since it stopped issuing them in August, 2016, after the branch office went out of service when it was attacked, vandalized and looted by armed terrorist groups.

Hassakeh province police commander Gen. Fayez Ghazi al-Mohamad told Al-Watan that the police command had taken all necessary legal and service measures to issue passports after the Interior Ministry agreed to commence work in this respect and communicated with the Immigration and Passports Department and Criminal Security Administration in the capital after preparing a new building for Hassakeh's Immigration and Passport branch in the Technical Services Directorate's headquarters in the province.

Mohamad said that securing computer network connectivity with the General Administration for Immigration and Passports, as well as all paper documentation, records and printed materials pertaining to the passport issuance process, would be completed to to lighten the additional spending burden on citizens, who have been forced to go to the capital Damascus to carry out the process of getting a passport, which incurred additional costs during the process of traveling there from the province.

Mohamad said that those tasked with the process of issuing passports at the Immigration and Passports Department branch would receive citizens and their paperwork directly in their place of work, and that after carrying this out in the legally correct manner, employees would transfer the paperwork related to the passport to the capital by hand and then would receive the passport from the center within a period of about seven days. After that, the passport would be delivered to its owner according to the rules regulating the work as soon as the process had ended.

In another context, Mohamad said that the status had been regularized of 425 people who had been wanted by the concerned authorities, including 283 people who were regularized over the last year and 142 in 2018. He noted that the process of receiving those who want to regularize their status with the concerned authorities was still underway. He said that 1,441 were in violation, had fled or were reservists wanted for military service with the centers in Hassakeh and Qamishli. He said that the process was being completed in accordance with simplified, eased and flexible procedures, and that their status was being regularized directly, adding that the process was still underway.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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