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EU Supports Safe, Dignified Return Of Syrian Refugees: Dan Stoenescu

A meeting between the EU and the UNCHR representatives was held in Damascus, according to North Press.
EU Supports Safe, Dignified Return Of Syrian Refugees: Dan Stoenescu

Head of the EU Delegation to Syria, Dan Stoenescu, said on Tuesday that all the Syrians have the right to return home, “but the conditions are not yet in place.”

This came during a meeting that took place between Stoenescu and UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Filipo Grandi in Damascus on Tuesday.

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Stoenescu affirmed the EU’s support for the ongoing work of the UNHCR in Syria, saying this has a “clear mandate to protect refugees & promote durable solutions to their [Syrian refugees] cause, including voluntary repatriation.”

He added that all Syrians have the right to return to their homes, but the conditions are not yet in place.

“What is required 1st is to create conditions for safe, voluntary & dignified return of refugees & the internally displaced, in accordance w/ Int law & the principle of non-refoulment,” he tweeted.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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