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Buqqin, Damascus Warns of ‘Potential Massacre,’ Urges World to Intervene

Regime threatens to destroy town unless it hands over refugees from the besieged town of Zabadani
Buqqin, Damascus Warns of ‘Potential Massacre,’ Urges World to Intervene

Residents of Buqqin in the countryside of Damascus appealed to the international community and human rights organizations Tuesday to intervene to stop a “potential massacres" by regime forces in the town.

Media activist Fares al-Arabi told al-Souria Net: "Regime forces warned residents of the town that if they didn’t hand over the displaced people from the besieged town of Zabadani – who have taken refuge in Buqqin to escape regime forces and Hezbollah militia – it will be shelled from all directions".

”The regime ordered us to hand over the wounded and injured from the city of Zabadani who had been moved to Buqqin", Arabi added, pointing out that regime forces tried to storm the town but a group repelled the attack, killing three regime soldiers. Regime officers summoned the mayor of the town and head of the municipal council, in response, stating that the town would be bombed if it refuses to hand over the militants and wounded inside the town.

Buqqin has received more than 600 displaced families from the city of Zabadani over the past month. The town is currently observing a truce with regime forces on the condition opposition fighters from the town do not attack regime checkpoints in the region.

Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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