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Regime Officer Killed in Mysterious Circumstances in Aleppo 

Ahmed al-Jumaily, a former ISIS media officer, has died in mysterious circumstances in the countryside east of Aleppo, reports SY 24.
Regime Officer Killed in Mysterious Circumstances in Aleppo 

Sources monitoring deaths of Syrian regime forces and militias reported the death of so-called Ahmed al-Jumaily, at the hands of unknown persons and in mysterious circumstances. Jumaily died in the Maskanah area of the eastern Aleppo countryside. 

Pro-regime sources claimed that there were no suspicious circumstances related to Jumaily’s death, stating: “his death was natural, following a heart attack.” 

The sources also claimed that Jumaily “suffered a seizure while actively participating in an electoral tent in the al-Rada village for regime head Bashar al-Assad’s election campaign. Jumaily was rushed to the hospital and died at his home, so his death was natural.” 

According to opposition sources, Jumaily was a collaborator with Shabiha and “looting groups,” as well as a supporter of the National Defence Forces. Jumaily was also known for writing reports for security branches. 

The sources explained that Jumaily is also known to the people of Maskanah as an “immoral” person. They stated that, when the Islamic State (ISIS) entered the area, Jumaily hastened to join them. He became a technical officer of ISIS media and propaganda activities, while also working as a technical expert for equipping meetings, lectures, and celebrations with listening devices. 

Upon joining the regime, no action was taken against Jumaily. The regime strengthened Jumaily’s role, planting him as a regime loyalist amongst ISIS’s ranks. Jumaily practiced looting and exploitation while providing information about residents of the area and their motives and activities.

In other news, Baladi News reported that a Syrian regime military officer was killed after missile strikes between regime forces and opposition groups on the frontline in rural Lattakia, in northwestern Syria.

Pro-regime pages published reports of the killing of Lieutenant Younis Mahmoud Hammad, a resident of the Habeb village in rural Lattakia, which is in the al-Kabina area, north of Lattakia. Hammad was killed following rocket strikes by opposition groups. 


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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