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Airstrikes on Daraa Break Five-year Calm

Local observatories reported that unidentified warplanes conducted airstrikes near the towns of Atman and Yadouda, Syria TV reports.
Airstrikes on Daraa Break Five-year Calm

Daraa governorate experienced an early morning bombardment on Tuesday, allegedly carried out by warplanes associated with the regime, following a prolonged period of tranquillity in the region. Local observatories reported that unidentified warplanes conducted airstrikes near the towns of Atman and Yadouda, west of Daraa.

Videos circulated by activists during the shelling depicted intense explosions, followed by clashes involving heavy weaponry. The exact number of casualties resulting from the bombardment remains undisclosed. According to the “Ahrar Horan Gathering,” a source indicated that the warplanes responsible for the attack were Syrian regime aircraft of the “Sukhoi 24” type, originating from the “Tifour” military airport in the Homs countryside.

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The motives and circumstances behind the bombing remain unclear, especially since military operations officially ceased in the area back in 2018. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that regime warplanes targeted the vicinity of Dael and Yadouda in the Daraa countryside with two air strikes. This development carries significant implications, suggesting that a regional party, possibly Jordan, granted the regime permission to carry out the aerial operation.  

“We are concerned that the groups targeted in this incident may be the same as those affected in the unfortunate incident at the Idleb vegetable market, where they claimed to have eliminated eight jihadist leaders but ended up causing civilian casualties,” he expressed.

According to pro-government networks, warplanes conducted airstrikes on positions held by “militants” near Atman and Yadouda in the western countryside of Daraa.

The regime’s media has not issued any statements regarding the airstrikes that occurred in the region.

Formal military operations in Daraa officially ceased in 2018 after the Syrian regime gained control of the governorate and opposition factions vacated the area.

This was subsequently followed by “settlement operations” enforced by the regime, contributing to an ongoing state of lawlessness within the region.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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