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Assad: The Evolving Syrian-Russian Alliance Encompasses Cultural and Youth Engagement

The Syrian president was speaking during a recent Syrian-Russian youth camp meeting, al-Thawra reported
Assad: The Evolving Syrian-Russian Alliance Encompasses Cultural and Youth Engagement

President Bashar al-Assad, in a recent speech during the Syrian-Russian youth camp meeting, highlighted the multifaceted nature of the Syrian-Russian relations. He emphasized that the bond between the two nations extends far beyond traditional realms of policy, economic, and military cooperation, venturing into social and cultural dimensions. Particularly, President al-Assad pointed out the pivotal role of youth in shaping the future contours of this relationship.

President al-Assad underscored the shared principles and challenges both nations face, including the fight against terrorism and external misrepresentations. He drew parallels between the situations in Syria and Ukraine, criticizing the narrative that unjustly accuses Russia while underscoring the necessity of Russia’s military intervention in Syria as a measure to protect both Syrian and Russian interests. According to President al-Assad, such actions were vital in preventing the spread of terrorism to Russia.

Highlighting the importance of national pride and historical awareness, President al-Assad stated, “In every society, there must be historical and national symbols. You must be proud of your history. No one has the right to attack historical symbols.” He further criticized the West’s longstanding hostility towards Russia, attributing it to Russia’s emergence as a formidable power rather than its political or ideological stances.

Participants of the dialogue shared insights on the Syrian and Russian experiences in combating terrorism, resisting unipolar policies, and tackling media misinformation. Discussions also covered the role of Syrian-Russian youth in fostering bilateral cooperation, reinforcing family and societal structures, and preserving cultural values and identities.

This meeting not only reaffirmed the deep-rooted alliance between Syria and Russia but also spotlighted the critical role of cultural and youth exchanges in strengthening international relationships. Through such engagements, Syria and Russia aim to cultivate a partnership that is resilient, dynamic, and reflective of their shared aspirations and challenges.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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