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Event Sheds Light on Plight of Syrian Women Amid Conflict

The SNHR unveiled its latest report, which chronicles the profound struggles endured by women in Syria.
Event Sheds Light on Plight of Syrian Women Amid Conflict

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) hosted a poignant event on Wednesday, titled ‘Unshakable Voices: Syrian Women’s Struggle for Rights and Accountability’ in The Hague, Netherlands, bringing to the forefront the harrowing challenges and violations faced by Syrian women throughout the ongoing conflict in Syria.

The event featured a panel of distinguished speakers, including Nicole Chaaya from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Kathryne Bomberger of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), Marie Forestier from the European Institute of Peace (EIP), Syrian activist and survivor Alaa Aljizawi, and SNHR’s Executive Director Fadel Abdulghany. Moderated by Razan Brghol of Baytna, the gathering underscored the resilience and courage of Syrian women amid adversity.

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In a significant moment, SNHR unveiled its latest report, ‘Unshakable Voices – Syrian Women Who Overcame the Trauma of Detention and the Tribulations Following Their Release.’ The document vividly chronicles the profound struggles endured by women in Syria, spotlighting their indomitable spirit in the face of detention and the subsequent challenges they faced upon their release. These narratives not only underscore the severity of the human rights violations but also celebrate women as beacons of hope and success post-adversity.

Complementing the discussions, an exhibition featuring portraits of women who are still missing in Syria was displayed. This powerful visual component aimed to amplify the ongoing crisis of enforced disappearances in the country, further emphasizing the urgent need for accountability and the return of refugees.

The event by SNHR serves as a crucial platform for amplifying the voices of Syrian women, highlighting their resilience, and pressing for global attention and action towards resolving the conflict and addressing the violations committed against women in Syria.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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