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Iran Provided Atmosphere for Arab Normalization with Syrian Regime

Iran engaged in extensive consultations with Iraqi authorities to facilitate Syria's reinstatement into the Arab League, Sawt al-Asima says.
Iran Provided Atmosphere for Arab Normalization with Syrian Regime

Leaked Iranian presidential documents, disclosed by a rebellious group leading up to the overthrow of the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization, expose the Iranian regime’s attempts to support the Syrian government and encourage certain Arab nations to establish normalized relations with it.  

Cooperation between Iran and the UAE 

According to the translated contents of the leaked presidential file by Syria TV website, Iran engaged in extensive consultations with Iraqi authorities to facilitate Syria’s reinstatement into the Arab League. The discussions aimed at strengthening the political ties between Damascus and Baghdad, supporting Syria’s regional and international influence. On multiple occasions, Iran urged Iraqi authorities to exert additional efforts in enhancing Syria’s regional role.

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The document also highlighted shifts in the UAE’s positions over the past two years on regional matters, including its stance on unrest and collaboration with Western countries and Saudi Arabia. It pointed out that Emirati television stations exhibited more moderate positions on both media and screen levels in comparison to Saudi Arabia. Unlike Saudi Arabia, Emirati channels refrained from offering extensive and provocative coverage of internal developments in Iran, particularly during the Mahsa Amini protest.

Iran halted Turkish military operations 

Russia and Iran successfully persuaded Turkey to refrain from launching a new military operation in northern Syria. Since August 2016, Turkey has conducted three military operations, named Euphrates Shield, Olive Branch, and Peace Spring, citing the fight against ISIS terrorism, the Kurdish PKK group, and its Syrian branch YPG. These operations resulted in Turkey gaining control over significant portions of northern Syria.

The leaked file highlights that while Turkish authorities express an interest in normalizing relations with Syria, they still maintain the option of conducting new military operations in northern Syria. There are efforts to establish a 30-kilometre-deep safe zone along the shared border with Syria.

Iran accuses Turkey of altering demographics to the detriment of Kurds and the Syrian government, claiming that Turkey is expanding the control of Syrian armed groups and establishing a de facto state in the region. The file suggests that Turkey aims to leverage these actions in negotiations concerning Syria’s future or the potential annexation of Syrian territories to Turkish soil.

The dossier reveals Iran’s endeavours to prevent Turkey’s military offensive in northern Syria, including engaging in security talks between Damascus and Ankara on the Kurdish issue within its foreign policy agenda.

Iranian concern over Jordanian military operation 

As per the document, increased Jordanian activities in the southern region have coincided with a surge in assassinations, attacks on Syrian forces’ headquarters, and bombings. These incidents followed reports of a reduction in the presence of Russian forces, previously acting as guarantors of the ceasefire in the Daraa governorate.

The King contends that the withdrawal of Russian forces, coupled with the filling of this void by Iran and Hezbollah, poses a significant threat to Jordan’s security. He highlights what he deems as “accusations” from the Jordanian Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior, pointing to the discovery of narcotics and arms shipments along the shared border with Syria.

The leaked file indicates circulating rumours about the potential reorganization of Syrian armed opposition factions in the Daraa governorate or the formation of a military alliance involving Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. This raises the possibility of Jordan and the broader Arab axis taking action similar to Turkey’s intervention along the southern border of Syria, under the pretext of securing Jordan’s borders.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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