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Suicide of Two Members of Assad’s Militia

The phenomenon of suicide has increased significantly in Syria over the past years, according to Orient Net.
Suicide of Two Members of Assad’s Militia

Areas under the control of Assad’s militia recorded two “suspicious” deaths by suicide in less than 24 hours, with two militiamen hanging themselves amid the high rate of such incidents caused by economic and social pressures. 

Orient correspondent Laith Hamza said that a member of Assad’s militia ended his life by committing suicide, on Saturday, in mysterious circumstances in the Jaramana area of Damascus countryside. 

The suicide bomber, a 39-year-old man from the city of Sweida, hanged himself inside a tire exchange shop in the area without knowing the reasons or motives.   

Death by suicide of a policeman from Lattakia 

On the other hand, local websites said that a policeman affiliated with the Assad militia hanged himself in the Datour neighborhood of Jableh, amid mixed accounts about the truth of what happened in the second incident in the same neighbourhood in less than a week.   

The body of the policeman, a member of the Latakia Traffic Branch, was found inside his home. He hanged himself in mysterious circumstances, according to preliminary information.   

Amid the secrecy about what is happening in Latakia, some residents of the area suggested that the incident may have been a murder, while people close to the victim said that he was suffering from mental illnesses that led him to die by suicide. 

The phenomenon of suicide has increased significantly in Syria over the past years, especially in the areas controlled by the Assad militia. It has affected people of all categories, according to what the media and loyal pages have documented, and economic and security pressures are mainly behind this phenomenon, especially the youth, in light of the lack of signs of the expected future for Syrians in those areas.   

The areas controlled by the Assad militia also suffer from the spread of crimes, with multiple killings recorded on a daily basis in those areas due to lawlessness, insecurity, the spread of drugs and weapons, as well as the militias’ dominance of the justice sector.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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